office[at]mdi [dot] ag

Information pursuant to section 5 tmg:

MDI-Mitteldeutsche Immobilien GmbH
Chopinstraße 5
04103 Leipzig / Germany

Represented by the managing directors:
Petra Müser, Hugo Schneider, Richard Wartenberg


+49 / (0)341 / 550 005 0
office[at]mdi [dot] ag

Commercial Register:

Registered in the commercial register
Registration court: Leipzig
Registration number: HRB 32967

Vat Identification Number:

vat identification number in accordance with section 27a of the German vat act:

Regulatory authority pursuant to section 34c (1) GeWO:

Leipzig regulatory office
Department of Trade and Commerce
Prager Strasse 136
04317 Leipzig / Germany

Website design:

Werbeagentur Aachen
Mohr + More

Website development:

Werbeagentur Aachen

Photo credits: